RCT Track Decoder 1.1
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RCT Track Decoder 1.1

Free RCT Track Decoder Utility, a program to help you build tracks
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Latest version:
1.1.3 beta See all
Gregory A. Wolking
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Awards (1)
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Software Informer Virus Free award
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Free   394 KB

RCT Track Decoder Utility, a program to help you build tracks that the game won't build from a saved design (and yes, it supports RCT2 track files as well as original RCT). The program will load any track file (except for hedge mazes) and list the segments that compose the track. You can either run it side-by-side with RCT in a window or export the list to a text file so you can print it out (e.g., with Notepad, Wordpad, etc.) to use as a guide to build your track. Note that since RCT2 will only run full-screen, printing out the list is really the only practical way to use it.



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